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The 8th Forum on Seasonal Climate Forecasts for central Africa countries, PRESAC-08 was held in KINSHASA (Democratic Republic of Congo) from 22 to 26 September 2014

The African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD) and METELSAT organized the PRESAC-08. This Forum to improve understand and exchange knowledge on climate variability in the region by training experts climates in seasonal rainfall forecasting, production of climate information and better interpretation and use to manage risks in the navigational activities in the Oubangui and Congo rivers, stream flows in the river basins and agricultural production in central Africa countries. The Forum was also an opportunity to share and learn about the proposed creation of a Regional Climate Centre (RCC) for central Africa countries.Read more

ACMAD was tasked to coordinate RCC activities in WMO RAI
Coordination function
Activities Products
Coordination of training RCCS in Africa meetings reports
Coordination on data services Data rescue and management meetings reports
Coordination on climate Climate monitoring and long range forecasting meetings reports